Friday 1 January 2010

So, if anyone out there is remotely interested in my climbing...I've decided the give climbing up, its just not worth what you get out of it...

Ahhhh only joking guys,

Yeah, I got some new holds for my wall, so training is more fun...havn't been out in a while, last time it snowed...pretty frustrating...still getting stronger and climbing harder though...

New Zealand this year for an extensive crazy rampage, annnnd lets climb Font 8a soon :)
Below is my project on the wall, its very fucking fingery and hard. Its 8 moves long with some lock-y-off-y moves and some screw on footholds..pretty nails. If I can climb this project, then I should be able to climb 8a outside...I think, maybe, its just nails basically

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South Island

So, we had one more day at the bronx, which was good weather! for the first time. where I finally climbed something else, Pro-Series, but, a...